As a college student, the thought of raising your credit score probably isn’t the highest priority on your to-do list, but it is incredibly important for securing your future. There are certain cards available that are great for students who are taking steps to build up their credit score. Typically these cards have low interest rates and don’t come with perks. Here are just a few:
- Discover It for Students: This card offers five percent cash back and also gives a monthly credit score to cardholders. It also has no annual fee, doesn’t charge you a fee or raise your APR if you pay late, and offers zero percent APR for the first six months. On top of that, it’s particularly great for those bookworms out there as it provides a reward of $20 each year if your GPA is over a 3.0!
- Citi ThankYou Preferred for Students: This is a card that does offer benefits alongside a low interest rate. You can get reward points for restaurants, bars, concerts, movies, or if you’d prefer, you can exchange your points for travel, student loan payments, and gift cards. To start out with, you’ll also have a zero percent APR for the first seven months. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal!
- Journey Student Rewards from Capital One: With this card, you gets a zero percent annual fee as well as no foreign transaction fees. Additionally, you get one percent back on all purchases, and if you make your first five payments on time then you’ll be rewarded with an increased credit line.
Image via Money Crashers.